Clean Air for Your Engine: A New Engine Air Filter at Charlie's Fast Lube Anna
March 29, 2020
All of us in Anna know we have to get the oil changed in our vehicles periodically. That's just part of good vehicle care. But when Charlie's Fast Lube Anna technicians change your oil, they also usually inspect your air filter. That's why they sometimes let you know that your air filter needs to... More

Are Modern Vehicles Maintenance Free?
March 22, 2020
In our auto video today we'll be talking with Alan Peterson about myths surrounding automotive maintenance. You can lump these myths into the statement that "modern vehicles are so reliable, they are virtually maintenance free."Any good myth has some elements of truth. No offense to Anna Bigfoot... More

The Charlie's Fast Lube Anna Guide to Vehicle Diagnosis
March 15, 2020
Modern Anna vehicles have several computers on board that control all kinds of things like engine functions, transmission shifts, traction control, anti-lock brakes, stability control, emissions and on some vehicles, even steering, braking and the throttle.Think about that for a minute things t... More

When "Oh, no!" Turns Into, "All right!"
March 8, 2020
Things we don't expect happen to our vehicles. And let's face, no one really wants to spend money on an unexpected repair. But if you are putting off going to your vehicle repair facility because you're dreading bad news, you might just be putting off some good news. There was one minivan driver ... More

Ready, Set, COLD! (Getting Vehicle Ready for Winter)
March 1, 2020
When the temperatures plunge, your vehicle better be ready because it faces a whole new set of challenges. Rubber stiffens, glass fogs, fluids freeze. Just thinking about it can get your heart beating faster. So here are some tips for getting ready for those inevitable colder temperatures. Mak... More